Monday, 24 April 2017

SlimFast - 7 Day Starter Kit REVIEW

Sooo my parents have FINALLY listened and respected the fact that I want to lose weight and have kindly bought me a SlimFast kit to lose weight.

Right let's take a little peak inside this box shall we....

Okay so basically there's a pamflet stating how fabulous these products are but there is also a meal plan. Now we're talking!

Concept: 2 of my meals should be from SlimFast, snacks including fruit and dinner should be a 600cal meal, oh jesus why do we put ourselves through this?!

To look majestic in a bikini in precisely 2 months thats why.

The starter pack includes:

2 Strawberry Ready To Drink Shakes, 2 Chocolate Ready To Drink Shakes, 2 CafĂ© Latte Ready To Drink Shakes, 4 Chocolate Crunch Meal Replacement Bars, 4 Summer Berry Meal Replacement Bars, 4 Cheddar Bite Snack Bags, 3 Sour Cream And Pretzel Snack Bags,4 Chocolate Caramel Snack Bars, 3 Heavenly Chocolate Snack Bars


I did not follow this completely by the rules and by that I mean I still ate a low cal salad for lunch and a normalish dinner but I still lost a noticeable amount of weight wooo!!

The savoury snacks were amazing for curbing cravings - like having a packet of crisps without the calories and guilt!

The Heavenly Chocolate bar was HEAVEN - I kid you not, tastes lush and its only 80 calories ma gawd. I'm the kind of person that always needs a sweet treat after dinner so this is my new go to!

Now I absolutely have to give a shout out to the Cafe Latte Shake - if you love a good old frappicino (yaaas to the basic bitches) you will adore this. I have a coffee every morning and this has become my replacement without the calories and crash.

Not my cup of tea
The chocolate shake - I had hyped it in my head that it would taste like a chocolate milkshake nesquik I'm looking at you - which most definitely didn't so I was a little disappointed.

Chocolate Caramel Snack Bars - tasted like Mars bars which if you like you'll love these

Summer Berry Meal Replacement Bars - had a weird chemical taste (maybe the protein) so I gave this bar a miss

Well the holiday has been and gone and our next one is planned for 2 months hence why I'll be purchasing another box of goodies to get me on the right track. I'm genuinely impressed at how much weight I managed to lose from dabbling with this and doing 10,000 steps a day. This time I'm going to try and stick to the rules whilst running 4 times a week... I'll update you on the results soon my pretties - let's say in 3 weeks!!!



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