Monday 4 December 2017

19 Things I’ve Learnt In 19 Years

As a family we champion and celebrate all things in our lives; big and small (we had a puppy birthday party for goodness sake) But when it comes to birthdays this is a whole other ball game! Amy's Birthday is coming up so this week we've decided to do a few birthday themed posts staaarting with '19 Things I've Learnt in 19 Years' post written by Amy of course:

1. Take lots of photos. 

Memories might fade but photos are always there as a trigger to remember a beautiful moment. The also help as blackmail tehehe

2. Home isn't one place

Having being an expat kid for the first few years of my life as well as moving out of my childhood home in the UK I've come to realise home isn't one place, its genuinely a feeling when you're surrounded by the people you love the most in a moment of sheer happiness.

3. How to cook

Our mum is literally the most amazing cook in the world, any of our childhood friends will back this one up. She always forced me to be in the kitchen with her as a child and I'm ridiculously glad for it now

4. Grief gets easier with time

I've lost 4 people who meant the world to me before reaching the age of 19, one of which being my dad and although it still hurts beyond words, the grieving process and understanding that comes with it definitely gets easier with time

5. How to have an amazing night on £5

On a lighter note, since being able to go out I've mastered the art of getting w a s t e d and having a fabulous nightout with only a fiver. 

Yes five pounds

6. To be unafraid of new situations

Moving down South and starting a new life was a massive deal and so many new and unknown situations were thrown at me. New school? New home? New friends? Further away from everything/everyone I knew and loved. But one major positive out of this was everything turned out more than okay and I learned an invaluable life lesson 

7. Balancing working hard and playing hard

Trying to balance my education, part-time job AND having fun is a lot but I've done pretty well this year I reckon

8. Travel is good for the soul

9. Friendships take work

Especially when you're on opposite sides of the country

10. What morals/causes I stand for

I will not under any circumstances stand for racist, homophobic, cruel people to be in my life and if I'm unfortunate to be in their presence I'll most definitely stand up against them 

11. Stay true to yourself

Being myself and having no disregard for what others think about it is one character I've definitely always had. It's resulted in some embarassing fashion choices along the years haah but worth it! 

You'll attract the perfect people into your life doing so!

12. How to cope with casual racism

This is a lesson I've learned the hardest now I'm older, especially since moving down South. Whether it be ignorant comments to my face, via text or on social media it is plain rude and I've learnt in my 19 years how to deal with it. 

Knowing when to pick a fight or accept this person is a damn fool and walk away is a daily struggle but I have a few gems around me who help me decide

13. I'm constantly evolving and changing

AND I'M OKAY WITH THAT! I was not meant to stay the same and as I get older my likes/dislikes change whether it be music, food or people I associate myself. That's life and you've got to allow it and love the process

14. I'm addicted to festivals

It's not even 2018 yet and I've booked 5 festivals... and we're still not finished 

15. I love dogs

I had a cat growing up but now having 5 dogs I've realised I love dogs too haha these life lessons can't all be deep folks

16. Difference between the North and South

Trust me when I say it is MASSIVE and there are definitely perks and cons major con being southerners are obsessed with imitating my northern accent (toned down now but still repeating my words back to me is rude af so if you're reading this pls stop xoxo)


18.  Say yes to opportunities

Nothing great ever came from playing it safe. Some of the most amazing moments in my life this far have come from me just throwing caution into the wind and saying 'yes' even when I'm not sure what the outcome may be!

19. No life goal is EVER to big 

Go big or go home beauts if you don't strive for the best what's the point?!! This life is short so live it 



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